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  • Independent Rear Suspension Forum

    Topic Replies Views Last post
    Looked at a Cadillac Catera IRS today. by Richard/SIA
    3/20/2016 7:05 pm
    0 2,231
    3/20/2016 7:05 pm
    by Richard/SIA
    Mercedes W126 IRS....anyone use this in a build? by 55insanity
    2/24/2016 7:25 am
    1 2,623
    3/10/2016 10:22 pm
    by tyrellracing
    Hi from NZ by legendlives
    3/01/2016 12:22 am
    0 1,917
    3/01/2016 12:22 am
    by legendlives
    Hello by pnwrs2000
    2/29/2016 3:16 am
    0 1,842
    2/29/2016 3:16 am
    by pnwrs2000
    Help! Can anyone help me identify this irs? by Olskoolandy
    2/26/2016 5:33 pm
    10 7,857
    2/28/2016 8:28 pm
    by tyrellracing
    Hello, New Member from N. Id. by Watercooled
    2/02/2016 8:56 pm
    3 3,862
    HELLO FROM NELZIRS by nelzirs
    2/08/2016 5:15 pm
      1 2 
    32 24,564
    2/19/2016 5:08 pm
    by tyrellracing
    IRS in my Jensen by Grant
    5/03/2015 1:17 pm
    2 5,364
    Home Textiles bed with cotton sheeting by knittingfabric
    1/21/2016 12:43 am
    0 1,888
    1/21/2016 12:43 am
    by knittingfabric
    Narrowing a XK8 IRS by glenng
    7/03/2015 6:48 pm
    3 4,643
    1/17/2016 3:19 pm
    by gsipes121704
    Control arm diameters. by penguinista08
    12/15/2015 12:06 pm
    0 1,825
    12/15/2015 12:06 pm
    by penguinista08
    3 4,725
    12/15/2015 5:43 am
    by Transam14
    0 1,907
    Introduction of Myself and My Project by solid7
    11/27/2015 4:52 pm
    11 13,959
    "Idiots Guide" to basic IRS related info? by Richard/SIA
    9/13/2015 11:04 pm
    3 4,127
    Not Your Typical IRS Set-up!!! by RuffIndustries
    11/08/2015 5:55 am
    2 3,166
    11/08/2015 6:01 am
    by RuffIndustries
    Just joined, made 2 posts, Great site1 by MentalKase
    11/01/2015 1:52 pm
    1 2,331
    drive axel/posi by yolo
    11/04/2015 8:56 pm
    1 2,565
    2005 GTO IRS by penguinista08
    9/15/2015 2:35 pm
    11 11,215
    10/05/2015 4:24 pm
    by penguinista08
    0 2,122
    Jaguar IRS upgrade parts by lowbudgetfab
    9/07/2015 9:24 am
    0 2,287
    9/07/2015 9:24 am
    by lowbudgetfab
    Software Solutions for IRS design/Layouts? by phantomjock
    12/26/2011 6:05 pm
    9 27,461
    9/07/2015 12:43 am
    by Richard/SIA
    2 3,179
    10 17,658
    Check out this Australian Mustang with IRS by Daze
    7/20/2012 12:18 pm
    9 11,406
    3 3,813
    7/31/2015 2:25 am
    by phantomjock
    Ford 8.8 irs to BMW E46 axle by ynotpro
    7/18/2015 7:21 pm
    1 3,272
    1 2,672
    6/27/2015 2:23 am
    by phantomjock
    Identifying my IRS so I may get the right parts for repair by TERMINALVELOCITY
    6/08/2015 11:03 am
    4 5,648
    6/08/2015 12:44 pm
    Calliper Removal by sedatev8
    5/10/2015 12:49 am
    1 2,489

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