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Independent Rear Suspension Forum » Springs on jag irs units » 3/17/2012 12:11 pm

Replies: 11

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The curb weight stock is 3400 pounds with 58%(1972 lbs)front end and 42% (1428 lbs) on the rear axle so 1428 divided by 2 = 714 lbs per side on a stock ford axle car.
I wouls have to add some weight to that number for the jag irs unit.
So about what size springs would you reccommend?
Thank you for your time.

Independent Rear Suspension Forum » Springs on jag irs units » 1/26/2012 12:20 pm

Replies: 11

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Hi guys.
What springs are you using on the stock jag irs systems under classic mustangs(1967 coupe to be specific)?
Are you using 4 springs or 2 larger ones and which shocks and how many?
I have searched all the posts on here and didn't come up with any info.
Thanks for the great forum.

Independent Rear Suspension Forum » So what do you think of the new forum??? » 10/15/2010 10:11 am

Replies: 6

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I like the format much better.
Thanks for the upgrade Day.

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