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7/06/2017 7:10 pm  #1

Is there any reasonably priced software for assessing an IRS design?

I didn't get any replies on my question about ways to assess an IRS design without software so I'm guessing that means that's not a viable option.  Is there any reasonably priced software - lets say $150 or less?  Or is it all way more than that?


7/10/2017 11:42 am  #2

Re: Is there any reasonably priced software for assessing an IRS design?

Sorry you didn't get a reply -- I am "in and out"  but here is a thread that might be helpful...

Cheers - Jim

UNDERCONSTRUCTION! Highly Modified C3 Corvette
         Dual Wishbone IRS w Subframe + Custom Uprights

8/05/2017 9:43 am  #3

Re: Is there any reasonably priced software for assessing an IRS design?

Try this for free! As a new member I cannot post links but trysearching vsup suspension


Last edited by mgb281 (8/05/2017 9:47 am)


8/06/2017 2:42 am  #4

Re: Is there any reasonably priced software for assessing an IRS design?

I'll add the following;

You can subscribe for ad-free and it works well.  Has now included Scrub Radius the many other simpler models do not.
Speed-Wiz has been making steady improvements and even a smart phone app now I recall.
Now it includes intake header cacls and much more

Vsusp is at:

Not associate with any of the above products - just a user...

Cheers - Jim

UNDERCONSTRUCTION! Highly Modified C3 Corvette
         Dual Wishbone IRS w Subframe + Custom Uprights

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