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For those of you who are familiar with the jag parking brake you know that when you pull used units apart the pads tend to be unevenly worn and one side of the pad is usually in constant contact with the rotor. also the self adjusting parking mechanisms like to freeze up. I think I have come up with several solutions to help eliminate these issues. first I added a spring around the adjuster bolt at the upper part of the mechanism. this in theory should work with the brass clip and help push the pads away from the rotor when the parking brake is not engaged. second I made sure the adjuster bolt threads threaded in to the adjuster extremely easily. I did this by putting a die on the threads and then tightening one side of the three die holding screws so that it tightened the die on to the threads. Once I had it tight enough that there was quite a bit of resistance when I spun the die tool I snugged up the other two die holding screws to secure the die and then ran it down the threads. the result was threads that were a few thousands smaller than normal and an adjuster bolt that freely spun in to the adjuster with no drag. I then added a liberal amount of grease and that took up any difference between the adjuster bolt and adjuster resulting in a smooth spinning assembly.
with the rotor out I was able to actuate the parking brake to the point where the pads came in contact with each other and the system worked well, stayed centered and the pads retraced slightly when the parking brake was let off. I will also be liberally greasing the pins that the parking brake parts pivot on because I believe this is the other cause of issues one side will freeze up causing the brass return clip to distort. Over all I think this will be very effective improvement to the original design.
Hi I'm new to this site. Strange place to introduce myself but I didn't want to lose this post. There are no pictures to be seen now could you repost them. I will be starting on emergency brakes soon and this sounds like it might be a good idea. Has it worked out for you it looks like you did it awhile ago.
32Sedan, welcome aboard.
I fixed the link to the pic. welcome to the forum.
I was looking at the plumbing on your calipers and had a question. On the XKE rear end I installed in my XK120 there was one port on the top and one on the bottom of each actuator. I see that you have two ports on the top of each. I think you are using a unit out of an XJ. Are these the stock locations for that model?
Yes, Jaguar changed the calipers on all there car types in the late 60s I believe. I know a lot of the early XK owners actually change out for the newer calipers because they work better.